BSEB 12th English 100 Mark Question Answer 2024: 5 मार्क्स वाले प्रश्न जो परीक्षा में पूछा जाने वाला है, Bihar Board

BSEB 12th English 100 Mark Question Answer 2024: 5 मार्क्स वाले प्रश्न जो परीक्षा में पूछा जाने वाला है, Bihar Board

BSEB 12th English 100 Mark Question Answer 2024 – Important Question Exam 2024

Q. 1. Write a brief note on Global English.

science it language has Ans becomes an. is English diplomacy read and the is spoken language. said to in be so of many a international global countries language trade as it, is as commerce. Naturally no other,, Although it has acquired the distinction of being international language. It has been conditioned to the use of local expression. American English, for instance, differ in spelling of lots of words. The expressions, too, is distinctively its own. Similarly Indian English has been conditioned in local (Indian) way of life. In the novels of Mulk Raj Anand, we find the use of local dialect so abuses are concerned. Some local (Indian) phrases have also become popular. Thus, English, without any doubt, may be caned global English.


Q. 2. What led English to borrowings?
the important is the centuries Ans cosmopolitan. The language it main has borrowed. reason character The English for freely the of world its language (and Sc rich. profusely &-wide Com vocabulary is. popularity, in 2020A from vast.; almost debts Throughout Arts of Engilsh 2020AJ nearly every 80 % of the English dictionary words are borrowed from other e languages of the world. This borrowing has enriched the English flanguage.


Q. 3. Write a note on the dialects of Middle English.

Ans. The central Middle English was marked by the gradual formation of literary dialects, the use of an orthography greatly influenced by the Anglo-Norman writing system, the loss of pronunciationof final unaccented and the borrowing of large numbers of Anglo-Norman words; the period was especially marked by the rise of the London dialect, in the hands of such writers as John Gower and Geoffrey


Q. 4. What do you understand by ‘Received Pronounciation’?

Ans. Received pronunciation uncountable noun. Received pronunciation is a way of pronouncing British English that is often used as a standard in the teaching of English as a foreign language. The abbreviation receive pronunciation is also used. The accent represented by the pronunciation in this dictionary is received pronunciation. It is often abbreviation to received pronunciation is an accent of spoken English. Unlike other UK accents, it’s identified not so much with a particular region as with a particular social group, although it has connection with the accent of southern England received pronunciation is associated with educated speaker and formal speech. It has connotation of prestige and authority but also of privilege and arrangance.


Q. 5. Write a note on the future of English in India.

Ans. The English has future in this country also because India is economically a rising country. All recent inventions and discoveries are found in the books of English. We cannot do anything without English. English has future in India also because of globalization. Market economy has created international trade and marketing. The knowledge of English indispensable in such a situation. English has generated employment in India. Thousands of call centres require employees who have knowledge of English. Thus, the future of English in India is bright.


Q. 6. Write a short note on Indian English poetry.

Ans. This is the age of science, technology and global market economy. The working knowledge of English is very important for Indians in this age. English is the language of computers and Internet. Without its knowledge, India cannot become a developed country. The knowledge of English is also necessary for getting jobs in private sector. In the past English opened new vistas to the latest knowledge required by the western countries for Indians. Its role in India’s freedom struggle cannot be denied. As a link language, English has been bringing unity among the people of India, speaking different regional languages. So, the working knowledge of English must be acquired by the larger population of India.


Q. 7. Discuss the future of English in India.
Ans. The future of English is very bright in India. It may be people belonging to languages closer. different regions and speaking different The English has future in this country also because India is economically a rising country. English has future in India also because of globalization. Market economy has created international trade and marketing.The knowledge of English is indispensable in such a situation. Thousands of call centres require employees who have knowledge of English. Thus, the future of English in India is bright.


Q.8. What are the features of a novel? (Sc. & Com. 2019A)
Ans. The diffrence between novel and story is as follows:

(1) Novel is large but story is short.

(ii) Novels are absed on imagination (imaginary events), whereas stories are related to the reality of life.

(iii) Novels are costly. On the other hand, story books are much cheaper.

(iv) It takes much time to read a novel and story takes little
time to go through it.

These are the main differences between a novel and a story.


Q. 9. Why are the Indians quick learners of English?

Ans. The Indian are quick learners of English language because we belong to the same Indo-European family. In India, we are greatly dependent on English for official, social and commercial purposes. Globalization has further strengthened the requirements of learning and using English for everyday activities.



Q. 10. How can we improve our English?

Ans. English is not our mother tongue. It is taught as a foreign or second language in India. So, it is not unnatural for Indians to face some problems in learning English. Indians hardly know to pronounce English words and sentences with proper stress and intonation. English syntax is different from the syntax of our own language, the spelling of certain English words to create troubles for Indians. So, they make mistakes while writing or speaking by English. For improvily our English. We should first know the right pronunciation of English words. That can be accomplished by listening to B.B.C. and voice of America. We could take the help of cassets also. We must have a good dictionary. We should know the rules of English grammar. But what we need move is practice. Practice of writing and speaking English can improve our English.


Q. 11. Write a note on American English.

Ans. American English differs to British English to some extent. The first changes were seen in the different ways in which English began to be used in America. After America became free of British rule, the Americans were enger to show their distinct identity as a free country and began to call their variety of English, American English. Today American English like British English is recognised as a world language, though there are many differences between them. Some of these differences are shown as herunder-



Q.12. What are the dramatic structures of a tragedy ?

Ans. In a drama there are some different parts of plot. They are generally called dramatic structures. They are of a tragedy and of a comedy. The dramatic structure of a tragedy are mainly known as-

(1) Exposition (initial incident).
(ii) Complicational (rising action).
(111) Crisis (turning points).


Q. 13. Name two works of Shakespe.

Ans. Two works of Shakespeare are:

(i) The Merchant of Venice
(ii) Macbeth.



Q. 14. Name any five Indian English novelists.
Ans. Five famous Indian English novelists are:

(1) R. K. Narayan,

(2) Mulkraj Anand,

(3) Arundhati Roy,

(4) Kamla Markandey and

(5) Arvind Adiga.



Q. 15. Write a short note on English as a world language.

Ans. English is an international language. It is the language of science and commerce. It has a rich treasure of literature. English has become a passport to jobs in India and abroad private companies appoint only those who have a working knowledge of English.


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